Ver trúfastur í smátingunum, tí tað er har, styrkin hjá okkum øllum liggur
- Móðir Teresa


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Space is used to split words, "" can be used to search for a whole string (not indexed search then)
AND, OR and NOT are prefix words, overruling the default operator
+/|/- equals AND, OR and NOT as operators.
All search words are converted to lowercase.


Komandi sunnudag, tann 20 mars, kl.18.00, verður aftur altjóðamøti í Betesda.

Á møtinum verður tala, lovsongur, vitnisburðar, kórsangur og søga til børn.

Barna ansning verður fyri tey smærri børnini, meðan ein kreativur verkstaður verður fyri tey størri børnini.

Eftir møti verður nátturði. Møti verður á enskum, og øll eru hjartaliga vælkomin.

International Meeting
On Sunday 20th March at 18.00 there will be an International Meeting at Betesda Church in Klaksvík.

There will be singing, choir, testimonies, story for the children and a short message.

Child care will be for the younger children and a creative workshop for the older children.

After the meeting food will be served (nátturði) The service is in English!

Heartly welcome

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