Betri er at tiga og verða hildin fávitskutur enn at opna munnin, so allur ivi hvørvur
- Abraham Lincoln


Only words with 2 or more characters are accepted
Max 200 chars total
Space is used to split words, "" can be used to search for a whole string (not indexed search then)
AND, OR and NOT are prefix words, overruling the default operator
+/|/- equals AND, OR and NOT as operators.
All search words are converted to lowercase.


Diversity 2019 byrjar mánadagin 7. oktobur.

Endamálið við Diversity vikuni er at varpa ljós á mentanarliga fjølbroytni í Tórshavnar kommunu og at styrkja millummentanarliga huglagið millum fólk, ið her búgva.

Vit gerast alsamt fleiri og mentanarliga fjølbroyttari í Tórshavnar kommunu, við tað at alsamt fleiri fólk uttan úr heimi leita sær veg til bý okkara og búsetast her.

Við Diversity week, vilja vit seta sjóneykuna á tað tilfeingi, ið tilflytarar okkara eru fyri býin og hyggja nærri at, hvat vit kunnu gera fyri at styrkja millummentanarliga huglagið í Tórshavnar kommunu.

Her er skráin

The purpose of Diversity week is to shed light on the multicultural society Tórshavnar kommuna has become and to strengthen the intercultural attitude.

We are becoming more and more cultural divers in Tóshavnar kommunu as more and more people from around the world find their way to our city and settle down here.

That is why we with Diversity week are focusing on the resources that the immigrants are for our city and taking a closer look at what we can do to strengthen the intercultural understanding between people.

Take a look at the program

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