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Beiggi hevur altíð verið ein maður við stórum hjarta, einum hjarta av gulli. Altíð blíður at møta og fittur at práta við. Eina hjálpandi hond og eina vittigheit fekk man eisini altíð við á vegnum.

Hann hevur nomið hjartað á so nógvum fólki. Øll, sum kendu hann, vóru góð við hann.

Tá fólk hava hoyrt mítt navn, er tað fyrsta tey hava spurt: “Ert tú systir Kristin?” og so tosaðu tey um, hvussu fantastiskur og fittur hann var, og eg nikkaði stolt og játtaði.

Eg minnist ofta aftur á, tá beiggi kom heim og segði, at hann hevði fingið sær eina fitta damu. Eg bleiv ikki glað um at hoyra hetta, tí so fór eg jú at missa hann. Men eg kom at kenna Mariu og skilti beinanvegin, hví hann var follin fyri henni. Vakrari, fittari, sterkari og stuttligari damu, kundi hann ikki funnið sær.

Eg fekk at vita eitt kvøldið, at nú fór hann at fríggja til Mariu. Mín fyrsti tanki var: Á, nei, nú fór eg veruligani at missa hann, men tankin hvarv skjótt, tí eg misti ikki beiggja mín. Eg fekk eina nýggja systur, sum eg altíð hevði ynskt mær.

Í sambandi við hetta fóru tey ein túr við Lakeside, og hann skuldi sjálvandi hava Mykines í bakgrundini, í tí hann fríggjaði. Hon segði ja, og vit kundu ikki verið meira glað. Ann og eg vóru brúðargentur. Vit vóru so glaðar og stoltar og ynsktu at keypa teimum eina gávu, ið skuldi vísa, hvussu tey vóru. Tey fingu eitt par av stuttligum sokkum, fylt við teim bommum, sum vit vistu, at tey elskaðu.

Beiggjasa og Mariusa parlag var øðrvísi enn hjá øðrum, ið eg veit um. Tey vóru so lík í øllum. Teirra kærleiki til hvørt annað, til teirra børn og til onnur, var so stórur. Tey vóru veruligani gjørd til hvørt annað.

“Anna, eg eri so heppin. Eg havi verðins flottastu og deiligastu konu, og dreingirnir hava verðins bestu mammu. Hvussu kann EG vera so heppin?” segði hann ofta við meg.

At hoyra beiggja tosa um sína konu og síni børn, var so deiligt at uppliva. Hansara eygu lýstu, og hann fekk eitt sovorðið smíl á varrarnar. Ja, sannur kærleiki. Man hoyrdi ongantíð eitt ilt orð um Mariu frá honum. Ongantíð. Tað vóru altíð rósandi og vøkur orð.

Eg sá so nógv upp til hann, og soleiðis sum hann var, sum maður og sum pápi. Eg visti, at eg skuldi ikki bara fáa mær onkran mann, men ein mann, sum minti um hann.

Hann elskaði at fáa vitjan, serliga úr Føroyum. Altíð var onkur góður matur við. Serliga mamma og babba høvdu nógv at týða fyri hann. Hann taldi altíð dagarnar, til tey komu og gleddist, tá tey vóru har. Hann var ein góð blanding av teimum báðum. Kærleikan til Mykines hevði hann frá babba, og kærleikan til Gud hevði hann frá mammu. Kærleika yvrhøvur hevði hann frá teimum báðum - at fáa og serliga at vísa og geva kærleika. Hann hevði ikki eina famliju og eina verfamilju. Hann hevði eina stóra familju. Hann elskaði okkum øll líka nógv, og somuleiðis elskaði hann sínar vinir.

Tá vit sótu í kapellinum, fóru vit at tosa um sangir, sum hann lurtaði eftir. Góðir, ordiligir sangir, men eg fór innantanna at syngja Grækaris Grashøvd. GRÆKARIS GRASHØVD av øllum sangum. Eg vildi flenna, men tað var ikki hóskandi. Orsøkin var tann, at fyri nøkrum mánaðum síðan, vildu dreinginir hjá honum hoyra hendan sangin, umaftur og umaftur. Teir elskaðu sangin, og knappliga byrjaði beiggi at syngja mega hart við, og so fór hann at dansa og eg aftaná og síðan dreinginir. Tað var ein góð og stuttlig løta við nógvum látri, og soleiðis vil eg altíð minnast hann - við látri.

Sorgin fyllir mest akkurát nú, og fer nokk altíð at fylla nógv, men eg vil, at eg altíð kann minnast hann og kunna flenna, tí soleiðis var hann. Hann vildi altíð fáa fólk at flenna og hava tað gott.

Kristin av Kák Reynstind var ein tann vakrasti maðurin, ið eg havi sæð. Fittur, hjartagóður, hjálpsamur, stuttligur, tvætlutur og roksutur. Eisini var hann inspirerandi, álítandi, sterkur, djarvur, og bara eitt heilt einastandandi fantastiskt menniskja. Hann var mín allarbesti vinur og beiggi. At ímynda sær eina verð uttan hann er sera torført og ikki til at bera, men eg veit eisini, at hann hevði ynskt okkum øll at liva víðari og at minnast til at vísa teimum, ið vit elska, kærleika.

Góði fitti beiggi mín, mín fitti mibb.

Takk fyri alt tú hevur verið fyri meg, alt tú hevur lært meg, og alt tú hevur gjørt fyri meg.
Eg minnist títt vakra smíl, tíni vøkru eygu og tína vøkru rødd.
Mítt hjarta er rivnað av hesi sorg, og longsulin eftir tær er ikki til at bera.
Tú fór ei einsamallur higani, tí ein partur av mær fór við.
Og tó eg ikki síggi teg, veit eg, at tú ert við mína lið, nú og altíð.
Tú ert mín stóra hetja, mín stóra fyrimynd.
Eg sakni teg. Eg elski teg so so nógv.
Takk fyri alt.

Tín lítla didda, tín mib.


Á enskum:

My brother has always been a man with a big heart, a heart of gold. Always kind to meet and kind to talk to and a little helping hand and a little joke, you also got from him, aswell.

He has touched the heart of many people. Everyone, who knew him, loved him.
When people heard my name they always asked: "Are you Kristins sister?” Then they went on telling me, how amazing and kind he was. I nodded proudly and said confirmed.

I often look back on the day, when my brother came home and said, he had got himself a sweet girlfriend. I was not happy to hear that. I thought it meant, that I would lose him. But I got to know Maria and understood right away, why he fell for her. He could not have found a prettier, kinder, stronger or funnier girlfriend.

I was told one night, that he was going to propose to Maria. My first thought was: "Oh, no. Now I will really lose him." But that thought quickly went away, because I wasn't going to lose a brother. I was going to get a sister, which I had always wished for. On the proposal day, they went on a tour with the boat Lakeside, and of course he had to have Mykines in the background, when he proposed.  She, of course, said yes and we could not be happier.

Maria's niece, Ann, and I were bridesmaids. We were so happy and proud. We wanted to give them a gift that symbolized their goofynes, so we gave them a pair of funny socks filled with the mixed candy, that we knew they loved.

My brother's and Maria’s relationship  wasn't like any other relationship I had ever seen. They were so similar in every way. Their love for each other, for their kids and for other people, was so great. They were truly made for each other.

“ Anna! I'm so  blessed. I have the world's prettiest and loveliest wife, and our boys have the world's greatest mother. How can I be so lucky,” he said to me.

To hear my brother talk about his wife and kids was so lovely to experience. His eyes lit up, and he got this smile on his lips. Yes, it was a true loves smile. You never heard a bad word about Maria from him, ever. Only kind and praising words, he said about her. I looked so much up to him - the way he was as a husband and a father, and I knew, that I myself should not get just any man, but a man that reminded me of him.

He loved to get visits, especially from the Faroe Islands. People always brought good faroese food with them. Especially mom and dad meant a lot to him. He counted the days, till they came and  rejoiced, when they were there. He was a good mixture of them both. The love for Mykines, he had from our dad and the love for God, he had from our mom. Overall love he had from both of them - to get, to show and to give love. He did not have one family and one in-law family. He only had one big family. He loved us all equally, as he also loved his friends.

When we were in the chapel, we talked about which songs, he liked. Good lovely songs, but in my head, I began to sing a faroese song called Grækaris Grashøvd. GRÆKARIS GRASHØVD of all songs. I was about to laugh, but it wasn't appropriate. The reason was, that a few months ago, his sons wanted to hear that song, again and again. They loved it, and suddenly my brother began to sing the song loudly, and then he began to dance and me after him, and then the boys. It was a fun moment with lots of laughter, and this is how I always want to remember him - with laughter. The grief fills mostly right now and probably always will, but I want to always be able to remember him and laugh, because that is how he was. He always wanted people to laugh and have a good time.

Kristin av Kák Reynstind was the most handsome man, I have ever seen. Kind, good-hearted, helpful, funny, silly and fussy. He was also inspiring, reliable, strong, brave and just an incredibly amazing person. He was my best friend and my big brother. To imagine a world without him is difficult and unbearable, but I also know, that he would have wished for us all to continue with our lives and remember to show love to the people we love.

My dearest darling brother, my kind mibb.

Thank you for everything you have been for me. Everything you have taught me, and everything you have done for me.
I remember your beautiful smile, your beautiful eyes and your beautiful voice.
My heart shatters with grief, and I can't bear the empty space you left behind.
You did not leave from here alone, because a part of me went with you.
Though I do not see you, I know you're here by my side, now and forever.
I miss you, I love you so so much.
Thank you for everything.

Your little sister, your mib

Anna av Kák Joensen

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