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- Dwight L. Moody


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Á myndini síggjast Valdimar Jóhannsson og konan Hrönn Kristinsdóttir

Á myndini síggjast Valdimar Jóhannsson og konan Hrönn Kristinsdóttir

Á myndini síggjast Valdimar Jóhannsson og konan Hrönn Kristinsdóttir

Norðurlandaráðið kunngerð úr Finnlandi í kvøld, at íslendksi filmurin "Dýrið" fær stóru filmsvirðislønina í ár.

Filmsleiksjórin Valdimar Jóhansson var útlendskur gestadómari í Geytadómsnevndini í farnu viku.

Altjóða heitið á filminum er "Lamb". Virðislønin er 300.000 krónur

Dómsnevndin sigur soleiðis á enskum:

In a unique and darkly menacing fashion, LAMB combines Iceland‘s tradition of pastoral cinema and the literary heritage of the folk tale. Working within these parameters, the director adds a rich layer of religious symbolism and aspects of the kammerspiel to create a unique tale of wonder, loss and horror. As certain aspects of the narrative unfold, the film presents a world where human definitions and desires are exposed as suspect and ordinary life appears alien. The animals’ sensitivity to the slightest disturbance in their surroundings is effectively used to create a sense of underlying threat, magnificently underscored by a constantly attentive yet unobtrusive camera and an eery soundscape. The film is both a disturbing and original cinematic experience in its take on human interaction with nature and its consequences.

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